Google Profit Up 69%, why and so what?
written by BWO
at Sunday, April 22, 2007
Google’s earnings increased to $1billions, up 69% vs last year or $592 millions. That’s stellar performance and clearly demonstrate its ability to get ahead in the search engine business by any measures. Google is ruling the search world by leaving its competitors far behind. As of this quarter its market share increased to over 50% of the worldwide share. I might also share some more analysis on google financials by next week. The interesting thing however is, what is driving the growth? That’s tiny toolbar that sits on our computer screen, leaving nehind its parent i.e. the browser without the toolbar.
“A percentage of that search growth is coming from toolbars, Google executives said Thursday. A toolbar is an add-on to Web browsers that provides a shortcut to Google’s search engine. Toolbar users search much more than those not using the browser addition, Google executives said”. Isn’t that amazing how technology and new ways of reaching your target audience is transforming the world. Have you thought about the power equation that this toolbar is capable of delivering:
- Revenue = Search Engine + Product and Service distribution + Software upgrades + Movie distribution + Music Download + Any other thing that can be distributed via this toolbar. Hold on, there is more to it? “Targeted”!
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